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EDF Energy Lectureship at Loughborough Universit ... (No replies)

8 years ago
p.panchmatia 8 years ago

This appointment is central to a major initiative to build a deeper relationship with EDF Energy Generation (EDF EG) Ltd around their need for greater fundamental understanding of nuclear graphite in Advanced Gas-cooled Reactors (AGRs) and the application of this understanding. Fourteen AGRs provide one-seventh of the electricity for the UK, all run by EDF EG Ltd. Sustaining this vital contribution requires a scientific and engineering effort into graphite that satisfies the UK's rigorous nuclear regulatory requirements. Graphite components provide both structure and neutron moderation of these reactors. Issues of interest are radiation induced creep and radiolytic oxidation, which are factors in core ageing.

This hybrid between research fellowship and academic post is supported by a comprehensive start-up package in support of delivery of a proposed programme of nuclear graphite research. The successful applicant will also be joining a world-class team already operating in this area, including Professors Malcolm Heggie and Roger Smith, and Dr Houzheng Wu.

The successful applicant will be expected to dedicate a significant proportion of their time (75%) to leading the EDF EG-funded work in the first four years of appointment. Teaching and administrative duties will be substantially reduced below those of a normal lectureship, although the post holder will be expected to achieve Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy and deliver other research-related activities such as publications and further grant applications. It is anticipated that the impact of this project, and the strong link with EDF EG, will foster the success of such applications now and in the future.

Informal enquiries should be made to Professor Malcolm Heggie by email [email protected].

Skype interviews will take place within the following week, with a final selection panel expected on the 12 July 2017.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials