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Early Stage Researcher / Research Fellow (ELI-AL ... (No replies)

Diana Toth
8 years ago
Diana Toth 8 years ago

ELI-HU Research and Development Non-Profit Limited Liability Company is announcing 

Job openings in Early Stage Researcher and Research Fellow positions in Theoretical and Computational Group of Molecular Structure and Dynamics (TCMSD) Group within the Attosecond and Strong Field Science Division at ELI-HU

The Hungarian ELI: the Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ALPS)

The first civilian large-scale research facility based on high-power lasers, the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI), is to be constructed with international cooperation at three locations with a coordinated management and research strategy. The Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ALPS) research centre to be built in Szeged, Hungary will be devoted to study of electron dynamics on the femto-, attosecond scale in atoms, molecules, plasmas and biological samples.

The projects:

Major research activities of TCMSD group are:

  • Investigating the coupled electron and nuclear dynamics induced by attosecond laser pulses and strong electromagnetic fields on small and medium-size molecules;
  • Control of chemical dynamics by laser-induced conical intersections (LICIs) in medium size molecular systems;
  • Coherent electronic excitations and ionizations in controlling fragmentation of neutral and charged molecules.    

The potential candidates profile:

Applicants are invited for a phd/ postdoctoral positions in theoretical and computational atomic, molecular physics and ultrafast electronic processes in molecules.

The candidate should have background in computations, possibly using advanced electronic structure and/or molecular dynamics methods (must for postdoctoral candidates). Experience in high performance computing is additional advantage. Knowledge of computer programing, previous experience in research using ab initio electronic structure methods are especially advantageous. Familiarity with programming languages Fortran, Python, Matheatica, Matlab etc. would be given due weightage.

We offer:

  • Competitive salary
  • Attractive fringe benefits
  • Challenging job with carrier opportunities
  • Pleasant working environment in a brand new infrastructure 

The application must contain:

  • A motivation letter
  • A Europass curriculum vitae or detailed scientific curriculum vitae
  • Full list of publications
  • The name of two scientific supervisors or professors, who could give expert opinion about candidate’s skills

For further scientific elaboration and informal discussion on this positions please contact Dr. Franck Lepine at [email protected] or Dr. Ágnes Vibók at

Please use “Early Stage Researcher: TCMSD” or “Research Fellow: TCMSD” in the subject of your e-mail.

If you are interested in any of these positions and meet the required criteria, please fill in our Carreer
Site with your professional data at .




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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials