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Doctoral or Post-Doctoral Research Position at t ... (No replies)

7 years ago
botti 7 years ago
We invite applications for a PhD position or a Post-doc position for 3 years (depending on the qualification of the candidate) in theoretical solid state physics, funded by the H2020 FET-Open Research and Innovation action via the project SiLAS. 
The position is open in the group of Prof. Silvana Botti at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany.

The FET-Open Project SiLAS (Silicon Laser)

The exciting project SiLAS ( proposes an interdisciplinary research effort intended to demonstrate efficient light emission from direct bandgap SiGe, followed by the development of a SiGe nanolaser. 
Possible applications include silicon-based on-chip optical interconnects and a silicon-compatible quantum light source.
SiLAS brings together partners from the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
The PhD student/Post-doc will work on advanced first-principles calculations of structural and optical properties of SiGe nanowires
to support and guide the experimental effort of the partners.
  • Master degree (or equivalent) in physics or materials science. Candidates expected to earn their degree before March 2018 are welcome to apply.

  • Solid knowledge of quantum mechanics and solid state physics.

  • Basic knowledge of density functional theory and/or many-body condensed matter physics.

  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English, knowledge in programming (in python).

  • Readiness and enthusiasm to collaborate with the other research teams of SiLAS on interdisciplinary work in short timescales.

  • Curious and creative young researcher, with a strong motivation to shape the direction of the project.

What we offer

  • A doctoral researcher position (TV‐L E13 ‐ salary agreement for German public service employees, 75%) or a post-doctoral researcher position (TV‐L E13, 100%) depending on the qualification of the candidate. Funding is initially available from March until December 2020, with possible extension.

  • A challenging and innovative research project which benefits from an international research environment, with a network of excellent collaborators all over Europe.

  • A rich training program to assist the young researchers to develop as future independent researcher, including collaborative research stays, participation in international conferences, workshops and schools.

The successful applicant will become part of the research group of Prof. Silvana Botti at the Institute of Condensed Matter Theory and Optics (IFTO) of the almost 500 year-old Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. Jena is a young and lively university town, and a renown European centre in the field of light-based technologies.

Applications can be written in English or German. The application deadline is March 1, 2018 and the candidate is expected to start as soon as possible.

Applications should include: (1) Curriculum Vitae, (2) List of courses followed during bachelor and master studies for PhD candidates, (3) one or more reference letters, and are to be sent by email to [email protected]. 

For further information do not hesitate to contact Prof. Silvana Botti.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials