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Applications are invited for 1 year PostDoc position link to a EU collaborative projects and
also to national funds providing competitive salaries for qualified researchers. Elongation of the contract might be offered to excellent candidates. The project will be conducted with the Adam Gali Semiconductor Nanostructures Research Group at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. Adam Gali Semiconductor Nanostructures Research Group works tightly with experimental research groups in Europe and USA that lead cutting-edge research in the area of solid state quantum information processing and atomic scale magnetometry realized by deep point defects in solids. The aim of the research is to develop methods and study paramagnetic colour centers in diamond and related wide band gap 3D and 2D materials by means of first principles calculations.
We are looking for a highly qualified candidates that have strong solid state physics background and experience in point defect studies by means of
quantum mechanical calculations. Deep knowledge on modeling of point defects in solids by plane wave supercell codes (particularly, VASP code and/or pwscf code) as well as
scientific programming is essential. The successful candidates will work on identification
and characterization of colour centers in diamond and related 3D an 2D wide band gap materials, where the electronic structure, the fine magnetic properties (like hyperfine tensors, zero field splitting, spin-orbit splitting, etc.) and the ionization and excitation energies of the appropriate colour centers will be determined by density functional theory methods and beyond [few examples: Refs. 1-6]. Experience in the application of time-dependent DFT and/or GW+BSE methods on point defects is an advantage. The candidate should prove the ability to work independently, write scientific
papers and cooperate with experimental physicists. Consideration of candidates will begin
immediately until the position is filled. Applications and further information inquires
should be addressed to Prof. Adam Gali (contact details below). Applications should include a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and a full contact of
two referees (or letters of recommendation).
[1] N. Mizuochi et al., Nature Photonics, 6, 299-303 (2012)
[2] P. Siyushev et al., Physical Review Letters, 110, 167402 (2013).
[3] Adam Gali et al., Nature Communications, 7, 11327 (2016)
[4] Jyh-Pin Chou, Zoltán Bodrog, and Adam Gali, Physical Review Letters, 120, 136401 (2018)
[5] Gergô Thiering and Adam Gali, Physical Review X, 8, 021063 (2018).
[6] M. Bockstedte et al., npj Quantum Materials, 3, 31 (2018).
Prof. Adam Gali Semiconductor Nanostructures Research Group,
Wigner Research Center for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33, Budapest, H-1121, Hungary
Tel.: +36 392 2222 /1913 e-mail: [email protected]