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Computational Theory of Magnetic Topological Mat ... (No replies)
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Applications are being accepted for a postdoctoral position to be supervised by Prof. David Vanderbilt in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Rutgers University, to start as early as January 1, 2019. The project will be focused on the computational search for, and physical understanding of, magnetic topological materials, including axion insulators and magnetic Weyl semimetals. It is part of a larger collaboration involving substantial interaction with experimental colleagues involved in the synthesis and characterization of candidate materials. Expertise in first-principles density-functional methods is essential; experience in the treatment of magnetism and spin-orbit coupling, and exposure to the theory of topological materials, is vitally important and will weigh heavily in the selection process. Interested candidates should apply online at Screening of candidates will begin in October and will continue until the position is filled.