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Computational/Theoretical HEDP Research Associat ... (No replies)
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Computational/Theoretical HEDP Research Associate, LLE, University of Rochester
Pending budget approval, the HEDP-Theory Group in LLE’s Theoretical Division seeks a computational/theoretical physicist to carry out rigorous and high-impact researches in high-energy-density science important to both ICF and basic science. Close collaborations between HED theorists and experimentalists are being actively pursued at Laboratory for Laser Energetics. The successful candidate needs to have a demonstrated track record of using state-of-the-art methods, such as density-functional theory (DFT), path-integral Monte-Carlo (PIMC), quantum Monte-Carlo (QMC), or time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT), to understanding the properties of matter under extreme conditions. In particular, successful candidates are encouraged to explore new directions in HED science, for example, using X-ray Thomson Scattering, diffraction, and absorption near edges as probes to new structures and properties of materials under extreme density/temperature conditions. Experience with dense
plasmas modeling, as well as good interpersonal skills, the willingness to work in a team, and the ability to communicate well in writing are desirable. A Ph.D. in quantum physics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics, plasma physics, or a related area is required.
Qualified applicants for this position should submit a dossier that includes a cover letter outlining how the applicant sees himself/herself contributing to the research project, curriculum vitae and a list of publications. The applicant should arrange for at least three letters of recommendation to be sent to [email protected]. Candidates are invited to apply online at Please apply to Job Opening ID 210891.