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Computational Materials Engineer/Scientist at NE ... (No replies)

2 years ago
alsaidi 2 years ago

The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Research and Innovation Center, Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) directorate is recruiting a staff member for the Computational Materials Engineering (CME) team.

The CME investigations focus on energy technologies that will minimize the environmental impact of fossil fuels and contribute to meeting the national goal of net-zero CO2 emissions for power production. Particularly, CME research aims to accelerate the development of materials with optimized performance under realistic working conditions, to increase the efficiency of energy conversion systems, and to identify materials’ characteristics at different time and length scales that ultimately govern the end-use performance in energy technologies. The CME team is immersed in a collaborative working environment and leverages different capabilities at NETL including Materials Engineering and Manufacturing directorate, Energy Conversion Engineering directorate and Science-based Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Institute. The emphasis of the new CME hire is to expand the current team’s capabilities that span quantum, atomic, molecular, and mesoscale simulation areas. Of particular interest are scientists with demonstrated expertise in the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence methods as applied to multiscale simulations of materials, and are able to bridge the gap between quantum, atomistic, meso- and continuum scales. Potential applications include, but are not limited to, modeling of alloys, energy conversion, corrosion, gas capture and separation, and materials performance. The candidate should have a Ph.D. in physics, chemistry, materials science, or chemical engineering.

For more information about NETL, please visit For more information about CSE, please visit This position is part of the federal staff. U.S. Citizenship is required. For more information about the conditions of employment and to formally apply to a position, please choose the appropriate open-and-continuous position vacancy on USAJOBS (links below):

• General Engineer 0801 GS-14 to GS-15 (or equivalent) CY-22-OCDH-0801-11376130-DH

• Physical Scientist 1301 GS-14 to GS-15 (or equivalent) CY-22-OCDH-1301-11376147-DH

Note that the Open Continuous Direct Hire Vacancy announcement links are used for numerous vacancies across DOE. To convey your interest in this specific position, please also e-mail a cover letter along with your resume/CV to [email protected]. DO NOT include on your cover letter or CV/resume any of the following information:

• Your social security number

• Photos of yourself

• Personal information, such as age, gender, religious affiliation, etc.

• Classified or government sensitive information

• Any encryption or digital signatures

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials