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Computational fluid dynamics Engineer @ Air Liqu ... (No replies)
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The Paris Innovation Campus is Air Liquide's largest R&D center. It develops innovative solutions for all the Group's activities. The Paris Innovation Campus is a real talent pool, bringing together scientists from the best universities and engineering schools, thus promoting the diversity of skills. More than 250 researchers work in 35 laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and experimental platforms, allowing them to explore many areas of research.
Missions & Responsibilities
You will work in the brand new Paris Innovation Campus, within the Corporate Research and Development department of the Air Liquide Group, offering a stimulating environment with many challenges and new horizons. More specifically, within the R&D Global Lab "Computational & Data Science", you will contribute to innovation projects in the field of hydrogen and synthesis gas production processes. In conjunction with various contacts within the Air Liquide Group, you will implement advanced modelling and numerical simulation methods with the objective of renewing Air Liquide's technical offer in a competitive context.
Your main missions will be as follows:
Profile and skills
We are looking for a candidate with an initial degree in fluid mechanics or process physics, preferably with a thesis and/or experience in an industrial environment in the field of numerical modelling and simulation. The skills required to succeed in this mission are as follows:
- Fluid mechanics
- Heat and mass transfer
- Chemical kinetics
- Use of CFD calculation codes
Localization: Air Liquide Paris Innovation Campus - Les Loges en Jossas (France)