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Carnegie Institution Postdoctoral Fellowships (No replies)
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Geophysical Laboratory Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Geophysical Laboratory invites applications for Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellowships. Current research at the Geophysical Laboratory falls primarily within three overlapping thematic areas: Earth and Planetary Science, Astrobiology and the Origin of Life, and the Chemistry and Physics of Materials at Extreme Conditions. Synergies among these thematic areas, as well as links to many closely related research pursuits at Carnegie’s co-located Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, provide Carnegie Fellows with exceptional opportunities for collaboration.
To view a list of required materials and application instructions, please visit our website at:
Also, see for a listing of personnel, current research interests, and major facilities.
The Geophysical Laboratory is located in Washington, DC, and is an equal opportunity employer.