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Bottom-up computational modeling of heterogeneou ... (No replies)
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Within the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1333 – Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis in Confined Geometries at the Institute for Computational Physics (group of Maria Fyta), University of Stuttgart, Campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen, we offer a doctoral position starting July 01, 2018. We initially offer a fixed-term contract for one year.
Job Description
Bottom-up modeling of influence of different factors on catalytic molecules in confined small pores. The work will solely be based on computer simulations at different scales, involving materials, solvent, and molecules.
The position requires a university Master´s degree in physics/chemistry. Specifically we would like to encourage candidates with the following qualifications to apply:
experience with computer simulations
strong theoretical background in Physics/Chemistry
above average academic achievements
Identification with the multidisciplinary nature of the collaborative research center (catalysis, materials science, analytical chemistry, theory and simulation science) and the enthusiasm to learn beyond your individual research topic
Willingness to actively participate in CRC events and qualification measures
All doctoral researchers of CRC 1333 are part of a structured graduate program integrated within the graduate academy of University of Stuttgart GRADUS. The CRC will ensure an interdisciplinary doctoral education and give opportunity for interdisciplinary scientific exchange.
For more information please contact Maria Fyta ([email protected]).
Closing date is June 15, 2018. Please send your application together with all important documents to M. Fyta ([email protected]).