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Bonn/Juelich: two 3 year postdoc positions in HP ... (No replies)

6 months ago
kostrzewab 6 months ago

Dear Colleagues,

we would like to bring to your attention 2 postdoc positions at the University of Bonn and Juelich Supercomputing Centre (host of the upcoming JUPITER, Europe’s first Exaflop system).

The focus will be on developing and applying systematic benchmarking workflows for the performance evaluation and optimization of scientific applications. This task will be done in collaboration with the application developers, targeting supercomputers based on the Modular Supercomputing Architecture (MSA) and various prototype processor technologies. 

The two positions are initially for 3 years with possible longer term prospects and are part of project Z2 of the newly funded Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) “Numerical Methods for Dynamics and Structure Formation in Quantum Systems (NuMeriQS)” (SFB 1639). The CRC is an interdisciplinary endeavor between theoretical chemistry, particle, nuclear and condensed matter physics as well as numerical mathematics and computer science.

Project Z2, led by Estela Suarez and Bartosz Kostrzewa, will support software development efforts in the CRC through collaborative performance profiling and optimization of applications in theoretical chemistry, condensed matter physics and lattice field theory. To enable this, continuous integration and benchmarking pipelines will be developed allowing applications to be systematically tested and benchmarked directly on the target hardware. The candidates are further expected to share their expertise in high performance computing (HPC) through training activities at regular workshops and retreats.

The successful candidates need:

  • a PhD degree with a focus on numerical methods and HPC in computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry or a related field at the time the positions start 
  • experience and interest in HPC
  • practical experience in collaborative software development 
  • strong background in C++ or Fortran
  • experience with the development of continuous integration workflows would be a welcome asset

The earliest starting date is April 1st 2024 and the positions will remain open until filled. We will begin reviewing applications on January 29th, 2024.

If you are interested in the project, please send your CV as well as a research/interest statement and arrange for 2 letters of recommendation to be sent to: [email protected] and [email protected] 

Spokesperson of the CRC is Carsten Urbach, Co-Spokesperson is Barbara Kirchner. Members of the CRC are: Jürgen Dölz, Claude Duhr, Lena Funcke, Michael Griebel, Corinna Kollath, Bartosz Kostrzewa, Stefan Krieg, David Luitz, Thomas Luu, Ulf Meißner, Petra Mutzel, Frank Neese, Johann Ostmeyer, Deborah Röhnchen, Marc Alexander Schweitzer and Estela Suarez.

We would be grateful if you would point out the job offering to potentially interested people.

If you have any questions concerning the posting, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you and best wishes,

Estela & Bartek

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials