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Asst Prof in Computational Materials Modelling j ... (No replies)

James Kermode
6 years ago
James Kermode 6 years ago

Dear all,

Please draw this advertisement to the attention of suitably qualified candidates.

The Department of Physics and the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick are seeking an exceptional individual to contribute to the research and educational goals of the Theoretical Physics Group and Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling (WCPM), and to play an active role in support of the new EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Modelling of Heterogeneous Systems (HetSys) at Warwick. At Warwick, Assistant Professor is a tenure track position leading to appointment as Associate Professor after successful completion of probation.

The Theoretical Physics Group has a strong tradition in materials modelling and involvement with the University’s Centre for Scientific Computing (CSC), WCPM links expertise in multiscale modelling and uncertainty quantification with the development of advanced scientific computing paradigms, and the HetSys CDT is built around a closely knit, highly collaborative team of academics from five science departments at Warwick and trains people to challenge current state-of-the-art in computational modelling of heterogeneous, ‘real world’ systems across a range of research themes such as nanoscale devices, new catalysts, superalloys, smart fluids, laser-plasma interactions etc.

We are looking for candidates with outstanding research profiles in relevant areas of scientific computing associated with materials modelling, in particular in molecular dynamics and electronic structure calculations, to contribute strongly to the above activities. Applicants with strong track records of working closely with experimentalists and/or expertise in multiscale modelling, uncertainty quantification, sampling theory, inverse problems and machine learning are particularly encouraged. The successful candidate will have an ability to work across traditional discipline boundaries and multiple departments and an interest in multiscale or multiphysics problems.

Informal enquiries should be made to Professor Julie Staunton [email protected] or Dr. James Kermode [email protected]

Interview Date: Week commencing Monday 24th June

Closing Date: Wednesday 12th June

Further details and application form

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials