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Associate Professorship in Computational Chemist ... (No replies)

2 years ago
chengjunw 2 years ago

The College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CCCE) at Xiamen University (XMU) wishes to recruit a highly motivated and talented colleague to the post of associate professorship in computational chemistry. The successful candidate will work with Prof. Jun Cheng ( to develop an innovative research program that complements the existing activities in Cheng group. We are particularly interested in two research areas:
(i) Method development for modeling interfacial electrochemistry and catalysis;
(ii) Statistical mechanics and chemical dynamics of materials



Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in physics, chemistry, materials science or a related field, with good experience on electronic structure calculation (DFT and beyond), sampling methods (e.g. molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo), and/or machine learning techniques.



- The base gross salary is RMB 350,000 per annum.

- Housing benefit of ~ RMB 1 million, plus subsidy policy of the city (e.g. 55% off the market housing price)

- Start-up grant of RMB 1-2 million.

- Other benefits (e.g. pension, insurance and temporary housing) will be offered according to the university policies, and the university has an affiliated nursery and school to provide good childcare and education for children.


How to apply:

Please send your CV, research statement (2 pages) and contact information of 2 academic references, directly to Prof. Jun Cheng by email ( [email protected] ). The search is open until the position is filled. Informal inquiry can be made by contacting Prof. Cheng.


More information:

The Xiamen City is a major city on the southeast coast of China, and routinely ranked among “the most suitable cities for living” in China. The main campus of Xiamen University is located at the southwestern corner of the Xiamen Island. Sitting at the foot of a mountain where the Xiamen’s Botanic Garden is located, surrounded by the Xiamen’s Bay with easy access to the beach by just crossing a road from the Baicheng gate of the University, adorned with Chinese traditional style buildings, tranquil lakes and tropical plants, Xiamen University (XMU) is praised by the Chinese netizen as the most beautiful campus in China.


Dedicated to high-quality education and cutting-edge research, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CCCE)  at XMU has been recognized as a national leader in advancing the frontiers of chemistry in China. CCCE strives for an inclusive, vibrant and collaborative research environment to address fundamental chemistry problems and urgent societal needs. CCCE houses the State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces (PCOSS), which has been ranked at the highest level in all national appraisals since its foundation in 1987. PCOSS has profound influence on CCCE’s research, ranging from experimental and computational methods for studying complex chemical systems, and synthetic chemistry for making novel molecules and materials, to technological innovations for meeting world challenges.


CCCE is ranked at 23rd globally in the subject chemistry by USNEWS in 2022, and currently offers 8 chemistry programs covering both traditional and emerging fields. In particular, it is the first in China to establish chemical biology program in 2003 and energy chemistry program in 2016, helping reshape the future of China’s chemical education and research.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials