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Assistant professor position in Condensed Matter ... (No replies)
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Assistant Professor (Maître de Conférences) in CNU Section 28 (Condensed Matter and Materials)
We seek a candidate expert in advanced methods for electronic correlation, such as the Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT). She/He will work in the Quantum Theory of Materials (TQM) group, of the Institut de Minéralogie, de Physique des Matériaux et de Cosmochimie (IMPMC), at the Sorbonne Université, Paris. She/He is expected to develop new many-body theories from first principles, by combining DMFT with quantum Monte Carlo and many-body perturbation theory, and apply them to study emergent states of matter, resulting from the competition of correlation, topology, and structural properties. She/He will teach Physics at the undergraduate level and contribute to the development of the SMNO Master program.
This position is still pending official approval from the administrative council of Sorbonne University. Please note, however, that QUALIFICATION is a necessary pre-screening step in order to be eligible for application to professors' bodies of universities and lecturers. Deadline for the Qualification application is October 24th 2018 (see
For further information regarding the application procedures, you may contact:
G. Fiquet (IMPMC director) ([email protected]);
N. Menguy (IMPMC deputy director) ([email protected]);
M. Casula (head of the TQM group) ([email protected]).