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Tenure Track Position in Material Sciences, Univ ... (No replies)

7 years ago
carlospi 7 years ago


The department of Physics and Geosciences at the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia invite applicants for a tenure-track position in the field of Material Sciences.

The candidate should have a BSc and Masters degree in Physics, Physical Chemistry or related areas, with a PhD and relevant experience in the area of computational modelling, design or manufacturing of functional materials applied to biosciences, energy storage or soft condensed matter.

The candidate should show a strong publication record, experience applying for funding as well as to have relevant teaching experience. She/he will be expected to establish a research program in the field of functional materials as well as to participate in teaching activities within the department. Most of the teaching activities will be given in Spanish. Candidates whose native language is not Spanish are encouraged to apply. The university has all the necessary resources to facilitate their learning of the Spanish language.


1. Cover Letter

2. CV including list of publications, highlighting two of the most relevant papers

3. A statement of research and teaching including a plan for developing research activities applied to Colombia

4. Contact details of two referees to support the application

5. Applicants should show English proficiency (If English is not your mother tongue) to a B2 level.


Applications will be received until September 2nd, 2018. The shortlisted candidates will be interviewed (by videoconference) or may be invited to visit UNINORTE to deliver a seminar talk and interact with researchers from the Material Sciences Area. Application documents (and questions regarding the position) must be addressed to: Dr. Alvaro Gonzalez ([email protected]) or Dr. Carlos Pinilla ([email protected])


The position salary will be assigned on the basis of the candidate’s CV and experience and based on Uninorte’s payroll scale, which is very competitive for Colombian standards.


Initially, the selected candidate will have a contract renewed annually during the first three years and based on performance it will lead to full tenure afterwards. The selected candidate must start activities on January 14th, 2019.


The Universidad del Norte is Located in Barraquilla, Colombia and is one of the most vibrant and top research oriented university in the Caribbean region of Colombia. It has more than 15000 students and offers 28 undergraduate, 49 master programs and 15 PhD programs. More information about the university and the city of Barranquilla can be found at or (in spanish)

The applicant will be part of the Applied Physics Research Group. One of the highest ranked research group in Colombia with A1 classification for research quality according to COLCIENCIAS (Colombian Science Administration Department)

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials