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Assistant/Associate/ Professor in semiconductor ... (No replies)

7 years ago
xzhang 7 years ago

An assistant/associate/ professor position is now available in College of Electronic Science and Technology, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to nanoelectronic materials and device physics, optoelectronic materials, new energy materials, topological insulators, spintronics, and data based high-throughput materials prediction. A PhD degree in condensed matter physics, optics, materials science, computational chemistry, microelectronics or other closely related areas is required before the starting date of the position but not the application deadlines (1st deadline: December 15th, 2017; 2nd deadline: March 15th, 2018).

We offer competitive compensation and housing packages. The annual salary will be about 300k-500k RMB (~ 45k-75k USD, at current exchange rates), depending on the candidate's research experience and academic qualifications. Qualified candidates will also receive a bonus package (tax free) totaling 1.6-2.0 million RMB (~ 241-302k USD), to be distributed annually over 5 years.

Interested candidates could contact Prof. Xiuwen Zhang at [email protected] or directly visit Shenzhen University Human Resources System (please see the following link:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials