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|| Apply ASAP || Four year NPIF funded PhD posit ... (No replies)
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A fully funded (4-year) PhD Studentship on Machine Learning for Materials Science is now available at WarwickUni, jointly supervised by Dr. G.C. Sosso (Warwick Chemistry, and @SossoGroup) and Dr. J. Kermode (Warwick Engineering).
Apply ASAP: the starting date is October 2018… so be quick about it! If working at the cutting-edge of computational physical chemistry in a world-leading research environment sounds like the sort of thing you’d be interested in, make your move ASAP (and we mean it, this opportunity will be gone real soon) and get in touch – by sending an email to [email protected].
Project description: Further information about the project can be found at
Requirements: This PhD Studentship is open to British and EU Citizens. Eligible candidates must hold (or be about to receive) an Honours/Masters Degree (at least II.1 or equivalent) in Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics or other relevant disciplines.
How to apply: Enquires should be made to Dr. Gabriele C. Sosso ([email protected].uk).