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Applications invited for Junior Research Fellow ... (No replies)
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Applications are invited for the posts of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and post-doctoral Research Associate (RA) in a DST funded research project entitled “Exploring the Applications of Chemical Space Networks in Molecular Library Design and Drug Design” EMR/2016/002141, under the supervision of Profs. N. Sukumar (Department of Chemistry and Center for Informatics, and Sudeepto Bhattacharya (Department of Mathematics and Center for Informatics, School of Natural Sciences, Shiv Nadar University, Gautam Buddha Nagar, U.P. 201314, India.
Project Synopsis: This project aims at the exploration of chemical space from a network-centric perspective. We propose to investigate molecular similarity networks using different families of molecular descriptors and similarity measures. The application of various network measures to the design of diversity oriented molecular libraries is a major goal of this project.
• Comparison of molecular networks constructed from whole molecule and fragment-based, 2-D and 3-D similarity measures;
• Exploration of protein binding site similarity networks for predicting cross reactivity of drugs;
• Comparison of network measures for molecular interaction, transformation and similarity networks.
Nature of work: ab initio electronic structure computations; cheminformatics / statistical analysis; coding / scripting in Python, Java, R, C/C++ ; graphical / network analysis. The candidates will work in an inter-disciplinary project, and will be required to interact with faculty, students and researchers across the Departments of Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and the Center for Informatics.
Essential and Desirable Qualifications:
For the JRF position: The candidate should have a Master’s degree (with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent grade) in Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics from a UGC recognized University. Candidate with computational skills, competence in Network theory or programming experience in Python, Java or C/C++ (desirable) will be preferred. Candidates should be NET qualified. Other qualifications such as JEST/GATE may be considered. Candidate without such qualifications may be hired at a salary based on experience.
For the RA position: The candidate should have a Ph.D. in Mathematics, Chemistry or Physics from a UGC recognized University with strong computational and programming skills and competence in Python, Java, R, C/C++ (essential), Network theory (essential) and Game theory (desirable) OR a proven record of publications in cheminformatics or bioinformatics (desirable). Candidates should be NET JRF qualified. Candidate without such qualifications may be hired at a salary based on experience.
Duration of the Project: 3 Years. The candidates will be hired for a year with further extension based on satisfactory performance.
Fellowship: As per DST norms, fellowship for JRF is ₹25,000/- p.m. for first two years. There will be enhanced fellowship in the third year as ₹28,000/- p.m. Fellowship for RA is ₹ 36,000-40,000/- p.m. based on experience.
Eligible and interested candidates should send their application with a complete CV (having personal details, academic qualifications, research experience, publications, name, affiliation and email address of two referees). Also, send photocopies of marksheets/testimonials/certificates, a recent passport size photograph, and other relevant documents as PDF attachment via email (preferable) or hard copies by Speed Post to the below address. All documents should reach the address: Ms. Saritha Rajan, EA to the Director (Center for Informatics), School of Natural Sciences, Shiv Nadar University, Tehsil Dadri, District Gautam Buddha Nagar, UP 201314, India; [email protected]; [email protected] below on or before 10 November, 2018.
Short-listed candidates may be requested to appear for interview in person or via Skype. No TA/DA will be provided for appearing in the interview.
About Shiv Nadar University
Shiv Nadar University is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, research-focused and student-centric institution that is bringing a paradigm shift in higher education in India through its innovative curriculum, interdisciplinary focus, and cross-disciplinary thinking across a wide range of disciplines. The University is building an eco-system of knowledge to promote recognition of the inter-connectedness of ideas, systems, and environments in the world inside the campus, and those outside it. The University has 5 Schools, 16 Departments and 6 Research Centers engaged in teaching, practice, and research in disciplines as diverse as Engineering, Humanities & Social Sciences, Management, Natural Sciences, Art, Design, Performing Arts, Communication, and Extended Education & Professional Development. The schools offer Bachelor, Masters, and Doctoral degrees along with multidisciplinary curriculum to enable students to explore subjects and disciplines that may be widely different from their chosen Majors.
Computational facilities at SNS include a high performance IBM cluster (“Magus”) consisting of 63 compute nodes (1008 cores) compute nodes with a total capacity of 30 TF of Theoretical Peak Performance, plus 8 nodes with high-end CPUs. Additionally, several Linux workstations are used for teaching as well as research purposes. Software for bioinformatics and cheminformatics, molecular modeling, molecular dynamics, quantum chemistry, data analysis and statistical learning are also available.