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Applications Engineer position at Synopsys Quan ... (No replies)

5 years ago
QuantumATK 5 years ago

Open position as Applications Engineer at Synopsys QuantumATK

Synopsys is seeking an Applications Engineer with domain-specific experience with atomistic modeling for our QuantumATK team in Copenhagen.

We develop a leading-edge software platform for atomic-scale simulations with a rapidly growing customer base in industry and academia.Your role will be to provide top-tier scientific support for our customers, and to further develop the application of QuantumATK in relevant fields of science and industries. This will involve meeting with industrial customers, development of application examples, conduction of webinars, and contributions to marketing material. In addition, you will write scientific case studies to be published in leading scientific journals, provide tutorials for our end users, and do presentations at conferences. You may also be involved in developing software modules.

You can read more about the position and apply here

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials