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Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD ... (No replies)
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Applications are invited for a Ph.D. studentship working in the area of computational chemistry under the supervision of Dr. Davide Tiana in the Department of Chemistry at the University College Cork (UCC).
The successful applicant will have a degree in chemistry, physics or materials science and good presentation and writing skills in English. Experience of computational modelling is not essential as full training will be provided.
During the PhD he/she will have the opportunity to become an expert in materials modelling having access to the Irish Centre of High-End Computing (ICHEC) and performing simulations that goes beyond the state-of-the-art of computational chemistry. Moreover the work will be carried out in close collaboration with experimental groups ensuring the synthesize and characterisation of the best materials generated during the PhD.
Particularly he/she will work on design and modelling new Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) choosing between three strategic research area: Opto-electronics, Photo-catalysis, and Nanocomposite.
Interested applicants should send their CV, a letter of motivation, and the names and contact details of at least one academic referee to: [email protected]
This is an open position and applications will be accepted until the appropriate candidate is found.