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Ab-Inito Modeling of Heterogeneous Interfaces (No replies)

Arunima Singh
6 years ago
Arunima Singh 6 years ago

The group of Prof. Arunima Singh at the Department of Physics Arizona State University invites applications for two postdoctoral research scholar positions. Successful candidates will contribute to a research program in the ab-inito modeling of heterogeneous solid-state materials interfaces in the context of low-dimensional materials growth, catalysis and functionalization of electronic materials. Candidate will develop materials’ databases and design algorithms for open-source software tools that enable high-throughput interface simulations in close engagement with the Materials Project team. Ideal candidates should demonstrate a passion for scientific inquiry, a desire for dissemination of research findings and an ability to bridge fundamental research to high-impact applications. The position is initially for one year, with the possibility of renewal for a second year. 


1)      Recent Ph.D. degree in Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or related fields.

2)      Experience and interest in scientific computing and programming, preferably in Python.

3)      Experience in electronic structure simulations (density functional theory).

4)      Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.

Preferred Skills:

a)      Experience in open-source database and software development.

b)      Excellent research record in materials growth, heterogeneous catalysis or two-dimensional materials.

Applications should be submitted in one complete attachment. Please include a cover letter, a CV, a publication list, a detailed summary of research experience and interests, and names of 3 references.  For more information about the position, contact Prof. Arunima Singh, Department of Physics, Arizona State University via email at [email protected].

Preferred start date is November 1, 2018. If not filled by then, applications will be reviewed every month thereafter until the search is closed. 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials