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Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…

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Ab-initio studies and/or methodological developm ... (No replies)

5 years ago
marie 5 years ago

Post-docs position at ILL/Néel Institutes

2 post-doc positions are presently opened to foster collaborations between the Néel Institute and the Institut Laue Langevin

  • a 12 months post-doc position is opened in the Condensed Matter Theory Group, Néel Institute, Grenoble

  • a 18 months post-doc position (possibly renewed once) is opened in the ILL theory group.

The positions will be to work under the supervision of MB Lepetit on ab initio electronic structure and spectroscopic calculations in strongly correlated systems, with a focus on magnetic excitations and multiferroic compounds (strong background in quantum mechanics required). According to her/his abilities and tastes the succesfull candidate will be able to work either on methodological developments or on the modelling of specific compounds in close collaborations with experimentalists in the field.

The candidate should have a PhD in theoretical condensed matter Physics or Quantum Chemistry. She/He should have a good knowledge of Quantum Mechanics, a reasonable knowledge of ab-initio electronic structure calculations and be reasonably computer learned (Linux user). Some knowledge of group theory/crystallography and strong electronic correlation will be appreciated. Similarly, knowledge in modern parallelisation and programming methods (openMP, MPI, Git, etc…) will be appreciated.

Applications are to be sent to Prof. MB Lepetit prior to Novemer 24th 2019

email : Marie-Bernadette.Lepetit @

or lepetit @

In-house or skype interviews will be organised in the following weeks and successfull candidate will ne able to begin asap.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials