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Ab-initio simulation position at Synopsys Inc., ... (No replies)

8 years ago
amul1umt 8 years ago

Dear Fellow Young Researchers

Synopsys is one of the major companies which provides software solutions to semiconductor companies from TCAD process and device modeling to chip design and verification to packaging. We at TCAD group work on developing state of the art process and device modeling tools. We are looking for an enthusiastic young candidate who would be interested to work in industrial R&D environment.

Location: Mountain View, California, USA

Job Description:

Perform simulations using state-of-the-art ab-initio and molecular dynamics simulation tools. Develop methodologies to determine values from first-principles for fundamental parameters such as charge-states, and formation/migration energies of point-defects and extrinsic dopants in semiconductor materials. Incorporate these methodologies and data into scripts and parameter databases and develop software libraries and interfaces in C++ to enable the seamless use of ab-initio tools with Synopsys TCAD tools. Use insights from ab-initio simulations to develop and implement advanced diffusion and materials models into Synopsys TCAD tools. Participate in collaborative projects with customers, and other partners based on business needs.

Please visit:

Please look up the job by entering job ID 12106BR in the keywords and complete the application.

Look forward to interacting with you.



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials