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A staff scientist and some postdoc positions at ... (No replies)

Yoshitaka Tateyama
8 years ago
Yoshitaka Tateyama 8 years ago

A staff scientist and some postdoc positions at NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan

(1) National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan is seeking a permanent staff researcher for Interface Computational Science Group (Group Leader: Dr. Yoshitaka Tateyama), Center for Green Research on Energy and Environmental Materials (GREEN). The qualified researcher will conduct original researches on crucial issues in energy and environmental science, mainly batteries and catalysts, by large-scale first-principles/force-field simulations, and/or machine learning techniques. Application studies will be dominant, while skills to develop methods or codes are appreciated as well. The application deadline will be 22 June 2017. More information will be found at:


(2) Two or three postdoc positions are open for the Interface Computational Science Group, GREEN, NIMS, led by Dr. Yoshitaka Tateyama. Successful candidates will address the following topics under several national projects (Post K computer project, Elements Strategy Initiative project, JST-ALCA-SPRING, NIMS-MI2I etc.):(a) Large-scale DFT simulation studies (mainly upon the K computer) on the electrode interfaces and the electrolyte in the batteries and catalysts. (b) Development of theoretical or computational techniques for DFT sampling and / or machine learning. (c) Machine learning studies on the materials for battery electrolytes, characters of the surface / interfaces for batteries and catalysts. (d) Current hot topics; oxide surfaces / interfaces for batteries and catalysts, super concentrated electrolytes, SEI, CEI and buffer film upon the battery electrodes, surface growth, corrosion. Some topics will be done in collaboration with Prof. Kazuto Akagi (WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University). Further information is available at


Contact Information:

Dr. Yoshitaka Tateyama

Interface Computational Science Group, GREEN, NIMS

Tsukuba, Japan

E-mail: TATEYAMA.Yoshitaka [at] ( “ [at] “=@)


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials