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A postdoctoral position in computational chemist ... (No replies)
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A two-year postdoctoral position is available from October 1'st 2018 or as agreed in
the group of Prof. Karoliina Honkala at the Department of Chemistry,
University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
The eligible candidate has or is about to obtain a PhD in the field of computational chemistry or
physics and demonstrates a documented track record of experience in first principles calculations and also preferably in computational catalysis. Experience in using periodic DFT codes such as VASP, Quantum Espresso, or GPAW etc. is considered an advantage. In addition,
the candidate is expected to be able to carry out and communicate the research results in a multidisciplinary research environment. Good understanding of fundamentals of organic chemistry and experience in addressing solvation effects computationally, microkinetic modeling,
or Python programming is considered a bonus.
The post-doctoral researcher will apply density functional theory (DFT) calculations to determine thermodynamic and kinetic properties of a selected polyol oxidation reaction at the liquid-solid
interface. A special emphasis will be on factors controlling product selectivity. Furthermore, the post-doctoral researcher will develop a DFT-based microkinetic model to simulate reaction rates under realistic reaction conditions to identify key parameters that control oxidation reaction activity and selectivity.
Please attach the following documents to the online application form:
1) Curriculum vitae (CV), composed according to good scientific practice and including contact details of 2 academics who can provide reference letters.
2) Short application / motivation letter describing your research interests.
3) List of publications covering all the scientific and other publications of the applicant.
The online application system and more information about the position (e.g., salary) can be found from
Please submit your application at the latest by 9.9.2018.
For further information, please contact Prof. Honkala +358 40 805 3686, [email protected].