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7 PhD positions at the Centro de Física de Mate ... (No replies)
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Materials Physics Center (CFM, CSIC-UPV/EHU) in Donostia-San Sebastián, (the Basque Country, Spain) is currently seeking for bright, highly motivated PhD candidates who are willing to work in an intellectually stimulating environment to develop cutting-edge training and research on Materials Science, exploring physical and chemical properties of advanced materials, nanostructures and nanodevices, either theoretically or experimentally. They will have access to the most advanced techniques in the field and develop industry-transferable skills.
Approximately 25 applicants will be shortlisted and invited for a 2-days visit to CFM in May, with their travel and accommodation expenses fully covered. Personal interviews will be held and the candidates will have the opportunity to discuss the research projects. From the interviews, 7 candidates will be selected and granted full studentships.
More information about the call and the application procedure can be found in