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3-year postdoc in solid state modelling at Slova ... (No replies)

7 years ago
mariana 7 years ago

The Faculty of Material Science and Technology, Slovak University of Technology invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher (3 years) in development and application of a new interface for quantum-mechanical solid-state modelling. The postdoc will join theoretical research group of dr. hab Mariana Derzsi at recently established Advanced Technologies Research Institute in Trnava, Slovakia. 

The aim of the project is to develop a high-performance Phase Diagram Calculator Phase2phase for crystals. This theoretical  interface will combine already existing quantum-mechanical programs for electronic structure and thermodynamics calculations of crystals and its role will be to calculate state conditions of existence of a given crystalline phase and search for unknown stable crystalline phases.

The candidate must hold PhD from physics, chemistry, computational material sciences or related field obtained no more than three years prior the start of the postdoc contract. He/she must have programming skills and should have experience with quantum-physics/chemistry programs.

The position is available immediately until a suitable candidate is found but must be filled prior the end of the year 2018. The applications are reviewed immediately. Candidates should send written application including CV, short summary of accomplishments and publication list, and list of 2-3 referees (names, e-mails, phone numbers and addresses) to [email protected]

For more details please see the attached file or contact dr hab. Mariana Derzsi at [email protected]



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials