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3-year fixed term researcher, Padua, Italy (No replies)

5 years ago
s_corni 5 years ago

A call for a 3-year fixed term assistant research professor position ("Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo a") at the Dept. of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padua, Italy, is currently open (deadline January 9th 2020 h. 13.00) . The position is partially funded by  the ERC TAME Plasmons "A theoretical chemistry approach to time-dependent molecular plasmonics" grant (PI: Prof. Stefano Corni). The envisaged research activity will be focused on the area of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry and will concern the development of theories, models and software for the investigation of the optical and electronic properties of (bio)molecules and nanosystems, as well as their application to problems of experimental interest. Holding a PhD is a necessary condition to be considered for the position. To apply, please use the website:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials