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3 postdoc positions opened at CFM San Sebastián ... (No replies)
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Centro de Física de Materiales -CFM is a joint centre by the University of the Basque Country-UPV/EHU and the Spanish Research Council -CSIC. The centre brings together several outstanding teams who develop frontier research using state-of-the-art facilities.
CFM’s headquarters is located at Ibaeta Campus in San Sebastian, within walking distance from several institutions also committed to explore physics and material science, both at fundamental and applied levels. Altogether, we represent a thrilling international community devoted to innovation and discovery at the very edge of science.
We are currently seeking for bright, highly motivated young researchers who will be able to make the most of this opportunity and take the chance for boosting their visibility and integration within the research community.
This is a unique occasion to work in an intellectually stimulating environment in close interaction with all our scientific staff, a wide group of postdoctoral researchers and a large number of international, world-class visitors. There will be plenty of opportunities to develop collaborations and build a global network of contacts of great added value.
Call is open for allocating 3Postdoctoral appointments. Each position will cover a period of two years (1+1, with renewal for the second year subject to evaluation of performance), starting date would be January 2020. The salary will be 34.642, 20€ per year (before taxes). Funding is provided by the Research Association MPC –Materials Physics Center.
The following documentation is required for applying:
1.Updated CV. Please provide clear contact information.
2. Brief statement of motivation, specifying the project you are interested in (see the list of available projects below and a brief description of each project in the attached pdf). Only one of the listed projects can be requested.
3. A letter of acceptance/support signed by the supervisor of a project is required.
4. Reference letters are welcomed.
Please mind that candidates must choose one project only. Candidatures applying for two or more projects at once will be automatically rejected. All documents must be sent to [email protected]
Possible projects to be developed:
Project P1. Interaction of quantum states of light with nanostructures at low temperatures.Contact person: Gabriel Molina Terriza ([email protected]) Reference: PD/2019/1
Project P2. Transport Properties of Ising and Rashba superconductors.Contact person: Sebastian Bergeret ([email protected]) Reference: PD/2019/2
Project P3. Dynamics of molecules interacting with 2D systems.Contact person:Ricardo Diez Muiño([email protected]) Reference: PD/2019/3
Project P4. Theoretical description of femtosecond laser-induced molecular desorption and reactivity.Contact person: Maite Alducin Ochoa ([email protected])Reference: PD/2019/4
Project P5. Dynamics of the CO‐O recombination at metal surfaces studied from first principles.Contact person: Joseba Iñaki Juaristi Oliden([email protected]) Reference: PD/2019/5
Project P6. Computer simulations of transport of soft nanoparticles in nanocomposites and polymeric networks.Contact person: Angel Moreno ([email protected]) Reference: PD/2019/6
Project P7. Theory of electronic, topological andmagnetic properties of covalent molecular networks.Contact person: Daniel Sánchez Portal ([email protected]) Reference: PD/2019/7
Project P8. Electronic Properties of Van der Waals Graphene Nanostructures.Contact person: Andrés Ayuela ([email protected]) Reference: PD/2019/8
Project P9. Pressure Induced Topological Transitions. Contact person: Aitor Bergara ([email protected]) Reference: PD/2019/9
Project P10.Polymer structure and dynamics: comparing 3D polymer networks obtained from polymer chains of different topologies.Contact person: Angel Alegria ([email protected])Reference: PD/2019/10
Project P11. Surveying chemical reactions and interface properties at surface.Contact person: Lucia Vitali ([email protected]) Reference: PD/2019/11
Project P12. Bridging the gap between the dynamics of synthetic polymers and biopolymers.Contact person: Silvina Cerveny ([email protected]) Reference: PD/2019/12
Project P13. Polymerization on unconventional surfaces.Contact person: Celia Rogero ([email protected])Martina Corso ([email protected]) Reference: PD/2019/13