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3 PhD/postdoc positions in modelling materials f ... (No replies)

9 years ago
ThomasH 9 years ago

In the Department 'Atomistic Modelling and Simulation' at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS) at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, several positions for doctoral students or postdoctoral researchers are available.

One project is part of the research unit FOR 1766 'High-temperature shape memory alloys' ( The theoretical research within this project will be performed in close collaboration with the experimental partners in Bochum, Munich, Kassel, and Hannover:

Project 1: Structure and properties of Ti-Ta-X high-temperature shape memory alloys

Two projects are embedded in the collaborative research center SFB/TR103 'From atoms to turbine blades - Scientific foundations for a new generation of single-crystal superalloys' ( The projects will involve close collaborations with the consortium partners in Bochum, Erlangen and Düsseldorf:

Project 2: Ab-initio simulations of diffusion and segregation of alloying elements in the gamma/gamma-prime microstructure of superalloys

Project 3: Atomistic modelling of TCP phases and extended defects in Ni-base and Co-base superalloys with bond-order potentials

Projects 1 and 2 will be carried out in the group of Dr. Jutta Rogal, project 3 in the group of Dr. Thomas Hammerschmidt. Besides a keen interest in the application of quantum mechanical methods for the modelling of real materials and a strong background in condensed matter physics, we expect excellent communication skills in English and willingness to travel to collaborators worldwide. Good programming skills are beneficial.

Qualified candidates are asked to submit their application until Jan 31, 2016 to [email protected] (pdf-file only, incl. Curriculum Vitae, list of publications and contact details of up to three references).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials