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3 PhD positions: Electron-nucelar dynamics simul ... (No replies)

1 year ago
Annika 1 year ago

Dear PhD candidates from Physics, Chemistry, and similar,

Are you interested in computing the simultaneous quantum dynamics of electrons and nuclei? Would you like to do research in the context of a French-German cooperation? Are you available in Q2 of 2023 for PhD (see offers below) in theoretical chemistry/physics? Then we would love to have your application to our project consortium in the project "Full quantum dynamics of the interparticle Coulombic electron capture (ICEC)". The ICEC process has a broad range of applications ranging from radiation damage to astro-chemistry/physics. Furthermore, our results will lay the groundwork for the interpretation of expected, near-future experiments.

The complementary-working research groups are seeking engaged new team members. The project involves a close collaboration among all the partners.

1) PhD on analytically exactly solvable models at Tübingen University
Information: Elke Fasshauer,
2) PhD on the application of the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) method for numerically exact simulations at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin,
Information: Annika Bande,;
Link for application UNTIL Feb. 22 submitted to HZB.
3) PhD on the development of methodologies and algorithms for the numerically exact MCTDH simulations at Paris-Saclay University
Information: Daniel Peláez,

Please demonstrate your background in theoretical chemistry/physics and time-dependent quantum mechanics by providing your CV, an outline of your experience with quantum chemistry calculations and a description of your programming skills (Python, C++, Fortran, or similar), your university certificates, and ideally a letter of reference.

With regards,

Annika Bande, on behalf of the consortium.

P.S.: For those who would like to have some more insight beforehand:
We are organizing a workshop on "Coupled Electron-Nuclear Dynamics for Electron Capture Processes", which will take place in Paris on February 15-16th, 2023. There is no registration fee, however, the number of (in-person) participants is limited. The workshop will also be broadcast online, for which registration is mandatory. You can find the information and the registration link in the announcement attached and on



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials