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3 PhD and 1 postdoctoral positions : effects of ... (1 reply)
Dear Professor,
Herewith I would like to submit my applications for the Post-Doctor position in your research group. My research interest covers the investigation of designing efficient, stable, and non-toxic perovskite solar cells (PSCs) by using state-of-the-art density functional theory (DFT) calculations and I published 16 papers including 2 papers in Journal of materials Chemistry A (Impact factor > 9.9), 3 papers in Physical review B as the first author.
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Three PhD positions and one Postdoc position are available to work with Prof. Xavier Gonze ( at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) ( in Moscow, Russia. The knowledge of English is required, knowledge of Russian is NOT a requirement. PhD positions start on November 1, 2019, postdoc might start in summer or later. Internships might be available as well in summer 2019.
The group of Prof. Gonze develops and applies first-principles computational approaches for the study of high-technology materials, especially energy-oriented ones. The research will focus on the effects of electron-vibration interaction: supraconductivity (e.g. under high-pressure), carrier mobility, polaron formation, thermoelectricity, photoluminescence ... and will involve code developments in the frame of the international ABINIT project ( Prof. Gonze has a very large network of international collaborators either contributing to ABINIT or within the European Theoretical Spectroscopy facility ( Synergies with other Skoltech faculty members as well as with the Gonze group at UCLouvain, Belgium ( are expected.
Candidates should hold (or be about to receive) a master’s degree in Physics, Materials Science, or a related area. Good knowledge of quantum mechanics is expected. Candidates who have interest in writing computer code are preferred. Please apply to Skoltech Materials Science and Engineering PhD program,, before 21 April 2019, and also send your CV (pdf) as well as a brief motivation letter to [email protected]. PhDs will also have an additional promotor from the Center of Energy Science and Technology
HOW TO APPLY (Postdoc):
The postdoctoral position is a one-year contract, renewable upon availability of funds. Applicants should send their CV (pdf) as well as a brief motivation letter and a brief description of their coding skills and scientific achievements, to [email protected] before 15 May 2019. They should also arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to the same address.
Skoltech provides internationally competitive conditions, excellent salaries and medical insurance, and state of the art research conditions and environment.