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2*PhD studentships in Organic Electronics (No replies)

6 years ago
penfoldtj 6 years ago

Two fully-funded PhD positions are available in the group of Tom Penfold at Newcastle University (UK), starting in October 2019. The group focuses on the development and the applications of theoretical and computational methods to understand and control excited-state processes in molecules and materials. For more information please refer to:

The two PhD projects proposed are:
i) Exciton generation and transport in organic electronics
The aim of this PhD will be to describe the processes responsible for excited state formation in organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). This will provide new insight beyond the present empirical understanding of the processes involved. Throughout the project a close contact with the industrial partner, Indemitsu will be maintained.
ii) Intermolecular Charge transport: A novel design paradigm
The aim of this PhD is to combine theoretical and experimental work to reveal the factors controlling the performance of recently developed hole transporter materials used in conjunction with hybrid perovskite solar cells. The understanding obtained will be used to design improved hole-transporter materials delivering higher power conversion efficiency.
Candidates with a degree in chemistry, physics, or materials sciences are welcome. Applicants with a strong motivation and enthusiasm for scientific research are encouraged to apply. Both UK and EU candidates are eligible. The positions will remain open until filled.

Informal enquiries should be sent to [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials