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2D materials theory: PhD position at Tech. Univ. ... (No replies)

7 years ago
mbrandbyge 7 years ago

We are seeking a highly talented PhD candidate in the field of theoretical quantum transport in 2D materials. We are an international research team of more than 60 students and staff at the Center for Nanostructured Graphene, CNG. CNG is a well-established centre of excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation. It is located at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), one of the leading technical universities in Europe. We are carrying out research in graphene and other 2D materials ranging from growth and device fabrication to simulations and theory.

The PhD project is on quantum mechanical calculations of electron transport in 2D materials and devices based on these. A main target in this project is to investigate the role of the electron-phonon interaction, which is central for the understanding of electronic resistance, Joule heating and device stability. The theoretical studies are related to experiments performed within CNG or in collaboration with international partners.

For more information and on-line application:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials