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2-yr postdoctoral position at Sorbonne - Pierre ... (No replies)
The ERC PLANETDIVE project is hiring a scientist for a 2 years contract in order to perform computational studies of phase diagram, phase transitions and equation of states at extreme conditions for geophysical applications.
The European PLANETDIVE projet (ERC, advanced grant), by Dr. G. Fiquet, Dr. M. Harmand and Dr. G. Morard (IMPMC laboratory) aims at studying planetary interiors by using DAC and laser based compression experimental approaches coupled with unique X-ray sources (synchrotrons and XFEL). In order to successfully perform and interpret experiments, advanced computer simulations are required to understand phase transition mechanisms as well as to predict high pressure phase diagrams and to provide corresponding equation of states of key elements such as iron, iron oxide, MgO or SiO2. The research will be performed in collaboration with Prof. F. Pietrucci and A.M. Saitta (IMPMC) exploiting classical and ab initio techniques, including free energy calculation approaches based on new reaction coordinates tracking changes of topology in interatomic networks. The success of this research program will be ensured by a fine interaction between the experiments and the numerical models. In that context, the recruited scientist will use multi-scales approaches to refine equations of state and develop interfaces between those calculations and hydrodynamic simulations, supported by the expertise of Dr. T. Vinci from LULI laboratory.
The salary is in the range 22 800 – 35 900 € annual net salary, commensurate with experience, and it includes social security benefits and pension.
The job will take place at the IMPMC, on the Jussieu UPMC - Sorbonne campus, in Paris downtown.
For further informations and applications, please write to [email protected]
Deadline for applications: January 23rd, 2017
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