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2 Postdoctoral positions available, Prof. Nuria ... (No replies)

2 years ago
nvendrell 2 years ago

ICIQ is looking for two postdoctoral researchers to work in challenging projects on Theoretical Heterogeneous Catalysis.

Position with ref. 2022-03 NL: the project involves simulations for electrochemical reactions in renewable energy conversion to chemicals and fuels through computational modeling with Density Functional Theory and advanced computational techniques and machine learning concepts. The candidate needs to have an interest in atomic-scale modelling and to have performed studies and simulations applying density functional theory and electronic structure calculations by using periodic ab initio codes.

Position with ref. 2022-07 NL: project to be defined.


*Finished Ph.D. in Physics, Materials Science, or Theoretical/Computational Chemistry.
*Strong expertise in the use of DFT, VASP, QE, LAMMPS and related codes.
*Experience in multiscale simulations of materials from ab initio to Molecular Mechanics.
*Previous experience with Python and HPC resources.
*Ability to cooperate with experimental teams.
*Ability to present the results of research in scientific journals and in international congresses and also to non-scientific audiences is a must.
*Proven excellent knowledge of English (desirable C1 level, IELTS 7.0-7.5).
*S/He should be motivated, open-minded, highly dynamic, and capable of working independently as well as in a team.
***Position 2022-03 NL needs to be covered ASAP so not needing a visa to work in Spain is definitely a plus.

Valued qualities

Capable of: working in a team, decision making, creative thinking and problem solving.
Strong commitment to scientific research in a competitive environment.
Good social skills.

Deadline: 26th January, 2022

How to apply: via ICIQ's website only, applications submitted by any other means will be disregarded.

Position with ref. 2022-03 NL:

Position with ref. 2022-07 NL:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials