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2 Postdoc positions in DFT simulations of metali ... (No replies)
2 Postdoc positions are available at Centre of Excellence for Science and Technology at the University of Split, Croatia in the following areas:
(1) Theoretical design of new nanostructured material for biosenzorics and their application in medical diagnostics.
(2) Theoretical design of new material for fuel cells and solar cell with application for renewable energy
One candidate will conduct research on the properties of hybrid systems (metalic clusters+biomolecules) using (TD)DFT. This will include prediction of stable structures, electronic and optical properties. Other candidate will theoretically (DFT) investigate catalytic properties of metal clusters for purification of fuel cells feed gas.
You should have a PhD in Physics, Chemistry or related Physical Science and a track record of peer-reviewed publications in high-quality journals. An excellent communications skills in English are also essential. Experience in theoretical modeling and using classical and first principles simulation codes (e.g. Gaussian and Turbomole) would also be an advantage.
The contract is fixed term for 1 year, with possible extension up to 5 years.
Informal enquiries can be made to prof. dr. dr. h. c. Vlasta Bonačić-Koutecký ([email protected])
The closing date for applications is 4 December 2017.
More details:
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