Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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2 PhD Positions in Computational Biophysics (No replies)
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The junior research group “Electronic excitations in light converting systems” at the Institute of Physics of the University of Bayreuth (Germany) is inviting applications for two PhD positions starting January 2018. Our research focuses on developing and applying state-of-the-art electronic structure methods to challenging inorganic, organic-inorganic and biological light-harvesting systems, such as hybrid halide perovskites and the natural light-harvesting systems of photosynthetic bacteria.
The successful candidates will work on implementing and applying many-body perturbation theory to calculate electronic excitations in Bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) molecules that naturally occur in the light harvesting apparatuses of photosynthetic purple bacteria. These molecules are among the key pigments at the heart of the energy and charge transfer processes of photosynthesis. However, their interaction with the surrounding protein matrix in different parts of the photosynthetic unit is not understood yet. Candidates should have a M.Sc. degree (or equivalent) and a strong background in physics, physical chemistry or biophysics and be enthusiastic about working on questions arising at the intersection of these disciplines. Programming skills (Fortran90, Python) are a plus.
We offer the exciting opportunity to work in an enthusiastic research group and an interdisciplinary and collaborative research environment. Bayreuth is a vibrant and green campus university; the city prides itself on a high standard of living at low cost, ample opportunities for exploring the beautiful scenery of “Oberfranken”, and good connections to national and international travel.
Applications from handicapped persons will be favored when all other qualifications are equal. The University of Bayreuth is an equal opportunity employer and we therefore especially encourage women to apply.
Please send inquiries and meaningful applications (CV and motivation letter including the names and contact details of two references) to Dr. Linn Leppert.
Email: [email protected]
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