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2 PhD positions at TU Dresden in application and ... (No replies)

1 year ago
dgolze 1 year ago

Two PhD positions are available at Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden, Germany) at the Chair of Theoretical Chemistry. The positions are initially limited to 3 years and comprise 75% of the full-time weekly hours. The starting date is April 1, 2023.

In your position, you will have a chance to make an impact on the exploration of new planar carbon lattices (PCLs) for next-generation quantum materials, functional precision membranes, optoelectronic and electrochemical devices, by employing advanced theoretical methods. You will be part of the Research Training Group on Planar Carbon Lattices (RTG2861-PCL). As member of the RTG, you will work in a highly collaborative research environment, in particular with our partner university (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg).

One position is available in the group of Prof. Thomas Heine and the second one in the junior research group of Dr. Dorothea Golze.

  1. Structural, electronic, and vibronic topology in PCLs
    Principal Investigator (Thesis supervisor): Prof. Dr. Thomas Heine (TUD)

    Thesis topic:
    Topological GNRs and patterned graphene with large gap. More detailed information about the project can be found here.
    Specific requirements: Experience in theoretical chemistry or theoretical physics (solid state), electronic structure calculations, scientific computing and solid background in mathematics.
  2. Accurate prediction of satellite features in core-level spectra of PCLs
    Principal Investigator (Thesis supervisor): Dr. Dorothea Golze (TUD)

    Thesis topic:
    Development of the GW+C method for core level. More detailed information about the project
    can be found here.
    Specific requirements: We are looking for a motivated candidate, preferentially with theoretical background and strong interest in electronic-structure theory and code development. Basic programming skills are expected
    . The method will be implemented in the FHI-aims program package and you are also expected to collaborate within the F
    HI-aims developer’s community.

More information on the position and application guidelines can be found here. The application deadline is February 03, 2023.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials