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18 Exciting new PhD studentship opportunities (No replies)
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The Leverhulme Centre for Functional Materials Design at the University of Liverpool is offering exciting 18 PhD studentship opportunities covering a broad spectrum of research areas including; chemistry, chemical engineering, theoretical and computational solid state chemistry, materials science, physics, atomistic materials modelling or condensed matter physics, computer science, management, or related disciplines.
We are seeking motivated and enthusiastic applicants for 42-month PhD studentships (to begin in October 2018)
For further specifics about the projects and qualification requirements please click here
This Leverhulme Research Centre will drive a design revolution for functional materials at the atomic scale by fusing chemical knowledge with state-of-the-art computer science. This Centre is one of just four £10 M Research Centres selected from bids across all areas of research and funded by the Leverhulme Trust.
The Centre will integrate, in a single, physical hub, an interdisciplinary blend of experts in chemical synthesis, physics, computer science, robotics, engineering, and management and social science research. It will combine, for the first time, leading-edge synthesis concepts from the physical sciences with the forefront of computer science. The world leading multidisciplinary team includes partners from the Hartree Centre, Imperial College, the University of Southampton, Diamond Light Source, the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology and the Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics.
This team will help bridge the current design gap by fusing leading-edge synthesis concepts from the physical sciences with ideas from the forefront of computer science, alongside experts in robotics, engineering, management and social science.
The Centre will co-locate core staff and students within the Materials Innovation Factory on the Liverpool University campus, a state-of-the-art materials research facility for both academic and industrial users, unless otherwise stated.
The award is primarily available to students resident in the UK/EU and will pay full tuition fees and a maintenance grant for 3.5 years (£14,553 pa in 2017/18).
Non-EU nationals are not eligible for this position and applications from non-EU candidates will not be considered unless you have your own funding.
Please apply by completing the online postgraduate research application form here.
Further Information:
For further information please email [email protected], stating your area of interest or by contacting the supervisor for the specific project of interest.