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12 Doctoral Position in the Research Training Gr ... (No replies)

8 years ago
thomfrauen1950 8 years ago

12 Doctoral Position in the Research Training Group "Quantum Mechanical Materials Modelling" Bremen-Oldenburg-Hamburg

The Research Training Group              

Quantum-Mechanical Materials Modelling QM3

funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and hosted by University of Bremen in collaboration with Jacobs University Bremen, University of Oldenburg and Max-Planck-Institute for Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, invites applications for

12 doctoral positions.

The RTG will provide a stimulating research and training environment uniquely bringing together materials modelling expertise from the fields of ab initio and correlated electron theory to quantum dynamics and large-scale approaches. We offer research projects on the development of advanced electronic structure methods linking many-body, non-equilibrium and multi-scale approaches along with their synergetic application to two-dimensional materials and metal oxide interfaces. For further information including a selection of possible projects see:

We expect a Master’s degree or equivalent in physics, chemistry or related disciplines, preferably in the fields of theoretical condensed matter research or quantum chemistry and a strong interest in electronic structure, quantum many-body and non-equilibrium methods.

We offer 3-year doctoral research positions. The starting date is January 1st, 2017.

Applications including a CV, a documentation of academic record, a brief description of the Master thesis project, a motivation letter and 2 possible names of reference persons should be sent in a single pdf file to:

[email protected]

The University of Bremen and the collaborating institutions are certified as “Family-Friendly”. We particularly welcome and encourage applications from women, disabled persons and ethnic minority groups, recognizing they are underrepresented across University of Bremen. The principles of fair and open competition apply and appointments will be made. Applicants must fullfill the requirements set by the doctoral regulations ("Promotionsordnung") of the employing institution.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials