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11 doctoral and 1 postdoctoral position at FAU E ... (No replies)
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The new Research Training Group GRK 2423
"Fracture across Scales" (FRASCAL),
which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and hosted
at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU),
Germany, will start on January 1st, 2019.
FRASCAL aims to improve understanding of fracture in brittle
heterogeneous materials by developing simulation methods able
to capture the multiscale nature of failure. FRASCAL offers
11 doctoral positions in projects P1 through P11 and
1 postdoctoral position in project P12.
General information about FRASCAL is available at
Project descriptions can be found at
FRASCAL offers a multi-disciplinary research program focusing on
fracture across scales, which is embedded into a highly innovative
and active research area comprising mechanics, material sciences,
mathematics, chemistry, and physics. Within our dedicated qualification
program, individual and interdisciplinary mentoring teams will support
the doctoral researchers to complete their doctorates within 3 years.
FRASCAL is looking for highly motivated, talented, inquisitive,
result-driven, and enthusiastic graduates (holding or being about
to obtain a M.Sc. degree / diploma) from mechanics, material sciences,
mathematics, chemistry, physics, or closely related fields. The
applicants must be proficient in English (German is welcome), have
strong interpersonal skills and be able to work in a team.
Details of the application process are available at