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1 Postdoctoral position (salary scale 13) on ele ... (No replies)

6 years ago
esecs 6 years ago

The department of Energy Storage and Energy Conversion Systems at Faculty 4 - Production Engineering of University Bremen, offers a 
1 Postdoctoral position (salary scale 13 of the German public sector salary system TV-L; fulltime)
The position starts as early as possible, provided it receives administrative clearance. The contract is limited to a maximum of 3 years.
The limitation follows the scientific qualification according to § 2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG (Act of Academic Fixed-Term Contract). According to this, only applicants can be taken into consideration, who command reserves of qualification times according to § 2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG.
The candidate will work in the ERC Consolidator Grant “ElIonT”. The objective of the ERC
Consolidator Grant “ElIonT” is to develop an extension of the Marcus-Hush electron-transfer theory for charge transfer in non-ideal conditions, in order to reach a unified phenomenological approach to charge transfer and transport through the classic and extended irreversible thermodynamics.
The project consists of an experimental and a computational part.
In the experimental part, new instrumentation for the measurement of dynamic frequency response of electrochemical systems will be developed and used to study simple electron-transfer from/to redox couples in solution in non-ideal conditions (high supporting electrolyte concentration) and iontransfer at the interface between electrolyte and host structures. 
The computational part will consist in developing multi-physics models for electron and ion-transfer, which take into account also non-ideal effects and develop algorithms for fitting and handling large data sets produced experimentally.

  • Developing models for electron transfer at the interface, taking into account tunneling and electrostatic effects;
  • Developing models for ion-transfer at the interface, taking into account multi-step processes and electrostatic effects;
  • Developing algorithms for fitting large amount of data (impedance spectra) with consistent equivalent circuits;
  • Discussing with and supervising PhD students;
  • Participating to scientific communication, dissemination, and publication of the results;


  • Doctorate in mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, or similar;
  • Knowledge of programming in C++ or similar environments;
  • Knowledge of multi-physics simulation software (COMSOL, etc.);
  • Knowledge of written and spoken English at level B2 or better;
  • Capable to working flexibly independently and in team and self-organizing;

The financing of the position will be effected by means of the project and is subject to administrative release. Bremen University aims to enlarge the part of women in science and explicitly demands qualified women to apply for the position.
Severely disabled applicants with essentially equal professional and personal qualification will be given priority. Applicants with immigrant background are welcome.
Please send your application in English or German with the usual documents by 31th April 2019, quoting reference number A138/18 to:
Universität Bremen
Fachbereich 4 „Produktionstechnik“
Fachgebiet „Energiespeicher- und Energiewandlersysteme“
Prof. Dr. Fabio La Mantia
Wiener Str. 12
28359 Bremen
or by Email to: [email protected]
Please do not send any originals or folders, as we cannot return any applications for cost reasons.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials