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1 PhD position on Theoretical Catalysis by Bimet ... (No replies)

4 years ago
afloers 4 years ago

1 PhD position is available funded by a EU ITN project: "Bimetallic catalyst knowledge-based development for energy applications" (acronym: BIKE,,

The positions will be held at CNR in Pisa, Italy (supervisor: Dr. Alessandro Fortunelli,, – theory work will be conducted in close collaboration with DTU, Denmark (Profs. Tejs Vegge and Heine A. Hansen) and with experimental partners.

The topic is the computational predictive modeling and design of bimetallic catalysts for energy management, in particular for blue and green hydrogen production via Aqueous Phase Reforming of Liquid Renewable Feedstocks.

We are looking for a highly motivated graduate student/early-stage researcher, with interest and knowledge in predictive modeling of catalysis. Expertise in density-functional theory (DFT) for structure and electronic band structure prediction is a pre-requisite, experience in reactive simulations is a plus. Salary will be granted for 30 months, although PhD curriculum held at University of Pisa, Italy, lasts 3 years (starting immediately after successful interview). The candidate must have been awarded a Master Degree in Chemistry or Physics or Materials Science since no longer than July 2016, and not have resided in Italy for more than 12 out of the last 36 months.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials