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1 PhD position in Materials Theory, Tyndall Nati ... (No replies)
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Theory and simulation of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials
1 PhD position is available in the Materials Theory Group at the Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland, under the supervision of Dr. Ivana Savic ( and Prof. Stephen Fahy ( The position is fully funded for up to 4 years, and it is available immediately.
The goal of this project is to develop computational methods to model thermoelectric transport properties and apply them to understand thermoelectric processes in Bi2Te3-based materials. This will involve state-of-the-art electronic structure methods (based on density functional and many body perturbation theory) to describe electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom and their interactions. Thermoelectric transport processes will be simulated using the Boltzmann transport approach. The project will also involve collaboration with experimental groups from Tyndall and Stanford.
PhD applicants must hold a first class honours degree or Masters in Physics or a related discipline before the start of the studentship. A strong background in quantum mechanics, statistical physics and/or solid state physics and interest in material modelling and computer simulation are required, as well as proficiency in English.
Informal enquiries concerning this position, accompanied with CV and motivation letter, can be made to Dr. Ivana Savic ([email protected]) and Prof. Stephen Fahy ([email protected]).