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1 PhD position and 1 postdoc position in molecul ... (No replies)
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Two positions, for a PhD student and a postdoctoral fellow in molecular modelling with Assoc. Prof. Martin Andersson at the department of Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) are available from September 2019.
The positions are part of a 3 year project, sponsored by ROCKWOOL International A/S, where the goal is to develop a predictive model for stone wool fibre material performance in contact with solutions, as a function of fibre and solution composition, pH and temperature. Such a model will contribute to understanding product stability under a range of conditions, including biosolubility. Molecular modelling will provide key parameters about fundamental surface processes, that are not easily accessible in experiments.
The PhD position
The PhD student will use density functional theory calculations and the COSMO-RS implicit solvent model to simulate and predict equilibrium surface chemistry as a function of pH and solution composition. A bachelor or masters education in physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science or similar quantitative discipline and/or experience, as well as a strong interest in quantum chemical calculations is an advantage. A PhD in Denmark is typically 3 years, with requirements of course work (6 months), some teaching and a compulsory stay at another research facility. The salary is quite good during 3 years but cannot be extended beyond that. More information on the position, including how to apply can be found at:
The postdoctoral fellow position
This postdoctoral fellow will make force field molecular dynamics simulations for the processes that control dissolution at the surface of the stone wool fibre material, to determine and predict the rate limiting steps. A PhD in physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science or similar is required, as is solid experience with molecular dynamics simulations. This position is intended to include at least one extended stay (about 3 months) in Australia with Prof. Tiffany Walsh, working closely with a PhD student in Australia, who is also part of the project. The position is for 2 years and can only be extended if the project is extended or additional funding is found. More information on the position, including how to apply can be found at:
Additional information:
The research team will consist of these two announced positions, a PhD student in Australia, a postdoc performing complimentary surface spectroscopy measurements, three senior scientists and personnel from the ROCKWOOL Group, who will be deeply involved in the project, with complementary experiments, general scientific discussions and monthly progress meetings. Each researcher will have her/his own challenges but will be tightly integrated into the team, who will work together to reach the goal. Publication and presentations at conferences are important aspects of the deliverables.
For more information, please contact project responsible at DTU, Associate Professor Martin Andersson, [email protected].