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1 ESR position available on: « Quantum Simulati ... (No replies)
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Location: National Research Council (CNR), Pisa (Tuscany), Italy.
Time frame: Start around October 2019 – 1 year term, renewable up to 3 years
1 ESR position is available funded by a FET-Open project: "Quantum Engineering for Machine Learning" (acronym: QUEFORMAL) within the call: H2020-FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020. The topic is Quantum Mechanical (QM) simulations supporting fabrication and engineering of devices combining hetero-structures of 2-dimensional materials (2DMs) into low-voltage field-effect transistors and non-volatile memories
Scientific context
The FET-Open project QUEFORMAL involves 2 theory groups (CNR, Pisa, Italy, and University of Pisa, Italy, coordinator), 2 experimental groups (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, and University of Bundeswehr-München, Germany), and 2 European SMEs (AMO,, and Quantavis, The final goal of QUEFORMAL is to develop a novel transport technology based on 2D heterostructures. The CNR unit will deal with first-principles atomistic simulations of materials and devices based on 2D lateral and vertical heterostructures. The targets are: (i) to provide QM-derived data on such materials and interfaces to be fed into higher-level models thus allowing predictive simulations of phase transformation and transport phenomena. and ii) to shed light on the atomistic origin of fundamental materials properties to guide materials design.
We are looking for a motivated early-stage researcher, with interest and knowledge on 2D materials. Salary is 17160 €/year (net). Expertise in density-functional theory (DFT) for structure and electronic band structure prediction and transport simulation (e.g., QuantumEspresso suite of codes) is a pre-requisite. Applications (including reference persons) should be sent via email to:
Scientific supervisor : Alessandro Fortunelli, CNR, Pisa, Italy
Contact: Alessandro Fortunelli, e-mail : [email protected]
CNR-ICCOM, via G. Moruzzi, 1 - 56124 - Pisa - Italy
tel. +39-050-3152447 - fax +39-050-3152442 - cel. +39-349-2987108