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VIMMP public webinar given by OSTHUS / JUN 13, 2 ... (No replies)

2 years ago
gmogni 2 years ago


VIMMP ( started as an EU-funded project aimed at establishing a complete marketplace platform dedicated to facilitating the uptake and execution of materials modeling simulations. VIMMP thus streamlines and promotes the exchange of data and modeling software information between all materials modelling stakeholders, for the benefit of increased innovation in the Global manufacturing industry.

The VIMMP marketplace platform offers, among other services, an advanced ontology-driven search engine, capable of retrieving appropriate materials modeling software and workflows solutions offered by various independent providers.

In addition, the VIMMP marketplace also offers a "translation" service, in the form of expert consultants available to assist marketplace users in assembling and performing their modeling workflows and simulations, as well as to conduct more general contract-research activities. Finally, the marketplace also includes training and documentation material, interactive user forums, data and software repositories, and also access to external providers of high-performance computing facilities and resources for executing the desired simulations.

More information on this webinar event is available under the link below:


Many thanks for your interest in participating to this VIMMP live demo event!

Yours Sincerely,


Gabriele Mogni, on behalf of the VIMMP management team


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials