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Training and collaboration visits in MaX labs (No replies)

6 years ago
daniele.varsano 6 years ago

MaX - Materials design at the exascale ( is a European Centre of Excellence that works at the frontiers of the current and future High Performance Computing (HPC) technologies, to enable the best use and evolution of HPC for materials research and innovation.  MaX supports developers and end users of advanced applications in the field of materials in various ways, including training and mentoring initiatives.

Among these, MaX offers the possibility to host academic researchers in its partner laboratories for collaboration/training periods on specific research projects or on new developments in the codes supported by the CoE. Visits can be hosted at the following institutions (teams):  CNR Modena (E. Molinari) or Roma (A. Marini), SISSA  Trieste (S. Baroni), ICN2  Barcelona (P. Ordejon), FZ Jülich (S. Blügel, D. Pleiter), EPFL Lausanne (N. Marzari), CINECA  Bologna (C. Cavazzoni),  ETH/CSCS (T. Schulthess),  KTH Stockholm (E. Laure),  BSC Barcelona (J. Cela), ICTP Unesco Trieste (I. Girotto). 

Researchers and PhD students who are interested in obtaining support can apply to the HPC-Europa3 (HPCE3) programme to receive funding for travel, accommodation, and subsistence. HPCE3 will also provide an amount of computing time suitable for the approved project. The next deadline to submit an HPCE3 application is February 28, 2018 (results announced in April 2018). Further deadlines are planned on 17 May, 6 September and 15 November 2018. Please note that HPCE3 support is available only for destinations in HPCE3 partner countries.

For more information please visit,, or contact [email protected].  Direct contact with the hosting teams is also recommended.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials