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Release of Defect Database ADAQ (No replies)

5 months ago
joeda 5 months ago

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the public release of the ADAQ Database, a resource for exploring and analyzing point defects in semiconductors. ADAQ stands for Automatic Defect Analysis and Qualification. In this first release, the database contains 4593 defects in diamond. We plan to update the database with more defects and host materials continuously.

Our interactive web user interface for browsing, searching, and exploring the data facilitates a wide range of uses in the identification of experimentally observed defects and defect-oriented materials design.

Check it out here:

Feel free to contact Joel Davidsson if you have any questions.


The ADAQ Database Initiative:

Joel Davidsson
Viktor Ivády
Rickard Armiento
Igor A. Abrikosov

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials